Python - Graphs

QTM 350: Data Science Computing

Davi Moreira


This topic material is based on Professor Mike Gelbart Algorithms and Data Structures course. It was adapted for our purposes.

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx 
from collections import Counter
In [3]:
# The defaults are hard to see on a projector in class
draw_params = {"node_color" : "pink", "font_size" : 20, "with_labels" : True, "arrowsize" : 30}


  • Graphs intro
  • Graph types
  • Graph searches: recursive implementation
  • Stacks and queues
  • Graph searches: iterative implementation
  • Activities (time-permitting)

Learning objectives

  • Map real-world problems to various kinds of various kinds of graphs (directed/undirected, weighted/unweighted).
  • Perform breadth-first and depth-first searches in graphs.
  • Compare/contrast BFS and DFS.
  • Use Stack and Queue data structures in implementing DFS and BFS.
  • Find the running times of graph algorithms as a function of the number of vertices and edges in a graph.

Graphs intro

Trees allowed us to represent hierarchical relationships. However, many relationships are not hierarchical:

  • friendships (on Facebook, Twitter, or in real life)
  • connections between machines on the internet
  • direct flight connections between airports
  • etc.

A graph consists of:

  • A set of vertices or nodes
  • A set of pairs of vertices, called edges
In [4]:
G = nx.Graph()


G.add_edge("A", "B")
G.add_edge("B", "C")
G.add_edge("C", "D")
G.add_edge("D", "E")
G.add_edge("E", "A")
G.add_edge("A", "C")
G.add_edge("B", "D")
G.add_edge("C", "E")
  • The graph package we're using, networkx, randomly visalizes the graph each time.
    • By re-running the next cell, we can see a few equivalent representations.
    • They are all the same graph!
    • See networkx.draw documentation.
    • Note: if you are interested, there's an Altair interface to networkx: nx_altair.
In [7]:
nx.draw(G, **draw_params, arrows=True)
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Note: we can set the random seed if we want a fixed drawing:

In [8]:
nx.draw(G, **draw_params, pos=nx.spring_layout(G, seed=5))
No description has been provided for this image

Some graph terminology:

  • The degree of a vertex is the number of edges connected to it.
    • Above, "B" has degree 3 and "C" has degree 4.
  • A graph is complete if every pair of vertices is joined by an edge.
    • The graph above is not complete because "B" and "E" are not directly connected (same with "A" and "D").

We can make it complete as follows:

In [9]:
G.add_edge("A", "D")
G.add_edge("B", "E")
In [10]:
nx.draw(G, **draw_params, pos=nx.spring_layout(G, seed=5))
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Below is another example of a complete graph, this time with 4 vertices.

In [11]:
complete = nx.complete_graph(4)

nx.draw(complete, **draw_params)
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More terminology:

  • A graph is connected if there is exists a path between any pair of nodes.
    • Below is an example disconnected graph.
In [12]:
disconnected = nx.Graph()


disconnected.add_edge("A", "B")
disconnected.add_edge("A", "C")
disconnected.add_edge("D", "C")
disconnected.add_edge("B", "C")

disconnected.add_edge("E", "F")

nx.draw(disconnected, **draw_params)
No description has been provided for this image

Graph types

Undirected graphs

  • This is what we've been looking at so far.
  • Saying "there is an edge from A to B" is the same as saying "there is an edge from B to A"
  • You can try this out in networkx.

Directed graphs

  • Sometimes, relationships are directed (e.g. Twitter).
  • This gives us a directed graph. We typically draw the direction with an arrow.
  • Example:
In [13]:
G = nx.DiGraph()


G.add_edge("B", "C")
G.add_edge("A", "C")
In [18]:
nx.draw(G, **draw_params)
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Now let's reverse the direction of the edge from "B" to "C":

In [14]:
G = nx.DiGraph()


G.add_edge("B", "C")
G.add_edge("C", "A")

nx.draw(G, **draw_params)
No description has been provided for this image
  • This is a fundamentally different graph.
  • The choice of graph type depends on the situation you're modelling.
    • The MDS prerequisite graph is directed.

  • Note that this is a directed graph, NOT a tree, because nodes can have multiple parents.
  • Directed graphs can also have reciprocal connections:
In [15]:
G = nx.DiGraph()


G.add_edge("B", "C")

# add a 2-way edge
G.add_edge("C", "A")
G.add_edge("A", "C")

nx.draw(G, **draw_params)
No description has been provided for this image
  • Here, we have a double-headed arrow between A and C.
  • In an undirected graph, it wouldn't have made sense to have both
G.add_edge("C", "A")
G.add_edge("A", "C")

because one would be sufficient.

  • Directed graphs also can have self-connections.
    • networkx supports them but it doesn't draw them properly.

Unweighted graphs

All the graphs above are "unweighted" because all edges are equal.

Weighted graphs

Both undirected and directed graphs can have weighted edges.

In [21]:
G = nx.Graph()


G.add_edge("A", "B", weight=2.0)
G.add_edge("B", "C", weight=5.0)
G.add_edge("C", "A", weight=2.5)

pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, **draw_params)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels, font_size=20);
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Above: undirected, weighted graph.

Below: directed, weighted graph.

In [16]:
G = nx.DiGraph()


G.add_edge("A", "B", weight=2.0)
G.add_edge("B", "C", weight=5.0)
G.add_edge("C", "A", weight=2.5)

pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, **draw_params)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'weight')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels, font_size=20);
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Examples where graphs can be used to model a situation:

  • Flights between airports: weights can be cost or flight time between destinations.
    • Now we definitely want a directed graph, as the cost/time may depend on the direction.
    • Useful problem: minimum cost path from $A$ to $B$. This is called the shortest path problem.
  • Countries.
    • Edge weights could be number of dual citizens (undirected).
    • Or trade/immigration in each direction (directed).
    • The weights could be the trade volume.

Graph searches: recursive implementation

Next, we'll discuss some algorithms performed on graphs.

In [18]:
# pappus = nx.pappus_graph()
# nx.draw(pappus, with_labels=True, arrowsize=40)

# erg = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(15, 0.2, seed=40)
# nx.draw(erg, **draw_params, pos=nx.spring_layout(erg, seed=5))

nx.draw(disconnected, **draw_params)
No description has been provided for this image
  • Question: are nodes $A$ and $E$ connected?
    • We can see this easily with our eyes.
    • But imagine a dataset with millions of nodes and billions of edges, like a Facebook social network (see lab).
    • We can't "eyeball" if two people are connected; we need an algorithm.
  • Approach: visit all neighbours of node $0$, then all neighbours of these neighbours, etc.
    • Keep track of which nodes have already been visited so we don't get stuck in an infinite cycle.
In [19]:
def connected(g, node1, node2, visited=None, verbose=False):
    Check whether node1 and node2 are connected in the graph g (using DFS).

    g : networkx.classes.graph.Graph
        the graph
    node1 : str, int
        first node
    node2 : str, int
        second node
    visited : set
        contains visited nodes (default is None)
    verbose : bool
        if True, node location will be displayed (default is False)
        True if the two nodes are connected and False otherwise     

    >>> graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(2, 1)
    >>> connected(graph, 1, 0)
    if visited is None:
        visited = {node1}  # initialize

    if node1 == node2:
        return True

    # for all the unvisited neighbours of node1
    for v in g.neighbors(node1):
        if v in visited:

        if verbose:
            print("At node", v)

        # If a connection found, passes the True value all the way up to the top level.
        if connected(g, v, node2, visited, verbose):
            return True
    if verbose:
        print("hello this is", node1, "speaking. couldn't get there, sorry :(")
    return False

Let's discuss how the code works:

  • We keep track of all nodes that we've visited, so that we don't visit them again.
  • Base case: if the start node equals the end node, return True.
  • For all unvisited the neighbours of the start node:
    • Add to visited set
    • Recursively check if these nodes are connected to the start node
  • If you finish the loop and don't find anything, return False.

Detailed explanation:

The function connected determines if two nodes, node1 and node2, are connected in a graph g. The function employs a Depth-First Search (DFS) approach to traverse the graph, which is a common technique for exploring the entirety of a graph or searching for specific elements within it.

  • The function connected takes five parameters:

    • g: The graph in which to check connectivity, assumed to be an instance of a networkx graph.
    • node1 and node2: The nodes between which connectivity is to be checked. These can be any hashable types typically used as graph nodes (like strings or integers).
    • visited: A set that tracks the nodes that have been visited during the DFS. It defaults to None if not provided.
    • verbose: A boolean flag that, when set to True, enables the printing of debug statements about the function's progress.
  • Initialization of visited Set: This part of the code initializes the visited set with node1 if no visited set has been passed to the function. This is crucial to prevent the function from revisiting the same nodes, which can lead to infinite recursion or redundant operations.

  • Base Case for Recursion: If node1 is the same as node2, the function returns True immediately, indicating that a node is trivially connected to itself.

  • DFS Traversal: This loop iterates through each neighbor v of node1. If v has already been visited, it skips to the next neighbor. Otherwise, it adds v to the visited set and, if verbose is True, prints the current node. It then makes a recursive call to connected to check if there is a path from v to node2. If such a path exists (connected(g, v, node2, visited, verbose) returns True), the function immediately returns True, signaling that node1 and node2 are connected.

  • Verbose Output for Unsuccessful Search: If no connection is found after exploring all neighbors, and if verbose is True, the function prints a message indicating that it could not find a path from node1 to node2.

  • Return Value: If the function exits the loop without having returned True, it returns False, indicating that no path exists between node1 and node2.

This method of traversal ensures that the function thoroughly explores all possible paths between node1 and node2 in the graph. The visited set is crucial to avoid cycles and redundant checks, making the function efficient in terms of avoiding unnecessary work. The optional verbose parameter allows for detailed debugging.

In [20]:
nx.draw(disconnected, **draw_params)
No description has been provided for this image
In [21]:
connected(disconnected, "A", "B")
In [22]:
connected(disconnected, "A", "E")
In [23]:
assert connected(disconnected, "A", "B")
assert connected(disconnected, "A", "C")
assert connected(disconnected, "A", "D")
assert connected(disconnected, "B", "C")
assert connected(disconnected, "B", "D")
assert connected(disconnected, "E", "F")
assert not connected(disconnected, "A", "E")
assert not connected(disconnected, "A", "F")
assert not connected(disconnected, "D", "E")
assert not connected(disconnected, "D", "F")
assert not connected(disconnected, "C", "E")
  • Question: in what order were the nodes traversed?
In [24]:
erg = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(15, 0.2, seed=40)
nx.draw(erg, **draw_params, pos=nx.spring_layout(erg, seed=5))
No description has been provided for this image
In [25]:
connected(erg, 14, 0, verbose=True)
At node 3
At node 0
  • Note the order:
    • It's taking 0's first neighbour, which is 3
    • Then 3's first neighbour, which is 5
    • Then 5's first neighbour, which is 1
    • This is called depth first search (DFS) because we go deep into the graph
  • What if this was a huge graph, and the two nodes were right next to each other?
    • The algorithm might be extremely inefficient.

Stacks and queues

  • Let's briefly discuss some new data structures.
  • We want a data structure that we can put things into, and then retrieve them later.
  • A stack) does with with the "last in, first out" (LIFO) mentality - like a stack of books or plates.
In [26]:
class Stack:
    """A stack data structure."""

    def __init__(self): = list()

    def push(self, item):
        Adds a new item to the top of the stack.
        item : object
           An item added to the stack

    def pop(self):
        Removes the item that is at the top of the stack and returns the item.

             The item that was last added to the stack.

        >>> stack = Stack()
        >>> stack.push(1)
        >>> stack.push([1, 2, "dog"])
        >>> stack.push("popcorn")
        >>> stack.pop()

    def isEmpty(self):
        Checks to see if the stack is empty.

             True if the stack contains no items, False otherwise.    

        >>> stack = Stack()
        >>> stack.isEmpty()
        return len( == 0
    def __str__(self):

Here's a detailed explanation of the class Stack and its methods:

  • Constructor: The __init__ method is the constructor for the Stack class. It initializes a new instance of the class with an attribute data, which is an empty list that will hold the stack's elements.

  • Push Method: The push method takes an argument item and appends it to, effectively pushing it onto the top of the stack.

  • Pop Method: The pop method removes the last item from and returns it. If pop is called on an empty stack, it would raise an IndexError, unless handled otherwise.

  • isEmpty Method: The isEmpty method returns True if the stack is empty (i.e., if has a length of zero) and False otherwise.

  • String Representation Method: The __str__ method provides a human-readable string representation of the stack. When an instance of Stack is passed to the print() function, the elements of the stack will be printed in the list format.

In [27]:
s = Stack()


['first', 'second']
In [28]:
In [29]:
In [30]:
In [31]:
['first', 'third', 'fourth']
In [32]:
In [33]:
In [34]:
In [35]:
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[35], line 1
----> 1 s.pop()

Cell In[26], line 36, in Stack.pop(self)
     18 def pop(self):
     19     """
     20     Removes the item that is at the top of the stack and returns the item.
     34     'popcorn'
     35     """
---> 36     return

IndexError: pop from empty list
  • Along with stacks we also have queues), which use "first in, first out" (FIFO) ordering.
    • e.g. an actual queue/lineup
In [38]:
class Queue:
    """A Queue data structure."""
    def __init__(self): = list()

    def push(self, item):
        Adds a new item to the end of the queue.
        item : object
           An item added to the queue

    def pop(self):
        Removes the item that is at the front of the queue and returns the item.

             The least recent item added to the queue.     

        >>> queue = Queue()
        >>> queue.push(1)
        >>> queue.push([1, 2, "dog"])
        >>> queue.push("popcorn")
        >>> queue.pop()

    def isEmpty(self):
        Checks to see if the queue is empty. 

            True if the stack contains no items, False otherwise.    

        >>> queue = Queue()
        >>> queue.push(1)
        >>> Queue.isEmpty()
        return len( == 0
    def __str__(self):

The class Queue represents a queue data structure that operates on the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. Here's a breakdown of its components:

  • Constructor: The __init__ method is the constructor for the Queue class. It initializes a new instance with an attribute data, which is a Python list that will be used to store the elements of the queue.

  • Push Method: The push method adds an item to the end of the queue, which is represented as appending the item to the end of the list.

  • Pop Method: The pop method removes and returns the item at the front of the queue, which corresponds to the first item in the list By using pop(0), it ensures that the queue operates on FIFO principle. If pop is called on an empty queue, it would raise an IndexError.

  • isEmpty Method: The isEmpty method returns True if the queue is empty (i.e., is an empty list) and False otherwise.

  • String Representation Method:

The __str__ method provides a string representation of the queue for readability. When the print() function is used on an instance of Queue, it will display the elements of the queue in list format.

In [39]:
q = Queue()

q.push("first")  # often called "enqueue"

['first', 'second']
In [40]:
q.pop() # often called "dequeue"
In [41]:
In [42]:
In [43]:
['second', 'third', 'fourth']
In [44]:
while not q.isEmpty():

Graph searches: iterative implementation

  • Implementation:
    • Let's implement it non-recursively this time.
    • Every time we visit a node, we add its neighbours to the queue.
    • This ensures we'll visit the all the "distance 1 neighbours" before visiting any "distance 2 neighbours".
In [45]:
def connected_bfs(g, node1, node2, verbose=False):
    Given a NetworkX Graph g, and start node node1 
    and goal node node2, tests whether node1 and node2
    are connected in the graph g using breadth first search.
    If they are not connected, returns False.

    g : networkx.classes.graph.Graph
        the graph
    node1 : str, int
        first node
    node2 : str, int
        second node
    verbose : bool
        if True, node location will be displayed while False will not
        (default is False)
        True if the two nodes are connected and False otherwise     

    >>> graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(2, 1)
    >>> connected_bfs(graph, 1, 0)
    q = Queue()

    visited = {node1}

    while not q.isEmpty():
        v = q.pop()
        if verbose:
            print("At node", v)
        if v == node2:
            return True

        for v in g.neighbors(v):
            if v in visited:
#             if v not in visited:

    return False
In [46]:
connected_bfs(erg, 0, 14)
In [47]:
connected_bfs(erg, 0, 14, verbose=True)
At node 0
At node 3
At node 7
At node 11
At node 13
At node 5
At node 9
At node 14
In [48]:
nx.draw(erg, **draw_params, pos=nx.spring_layout(erg, seed=5))
No description has been provided for this image
  • The beauty is that to turn this into DFS, we only need to change the Queue to a Stack.
    • Though the neighbours will be traversed in reverse order, so it's not exactly the same as our recursive DFS. We'll consider this optional.
  • BFS can be used to determine the "distance" between nodes, by keeping track of the "neighbour depth".
  • Here it is in networkx:
In [49]:
nx.shortest_path_length(erg, 0, 14)
  • This means it takes $2$ hops to get from node $0$ to node $14$.
In [ ]:
!jupyter nbconvert _05-py-graphs.ipynb --to html --template classic --output 05-py-graphs.html

Thank you!