Topic 2: In-Class Activity - Exploring the Command Line

In-Class Activity: Exploring the Command Line

Objective: The goal of this activity is to put into practice the shell commands learned in class, including file navigation, file manipulation, and simple scripting.


  1. Shell Basics:
    • Open your terminal or command line interface.
    • Identify which shell you are using with the command echo $SHELL.
    • Use man or --help to look up the manual for the ls command.
  2. Help!:
    • For each of the following commands, use --help or man to find out what they do: cd, mkdir, rm.
  3. Navigating Your System:
    • Navigate to your home directory using cd.
    • List all the files and directories in your home directory with a detailed view using ls -l.
    • Create a new directory called ds_activities.
  4. Managing Your Files:
    • Inside ds_activities, create a new file called
    • Copy any text file from your system into this directory and rename it to sample.txt.
  5. Working with Text Files:
    • Use cat to display the contents of sample.txt.
    • Use head and tail to display the first and last 10 lines of sample.txt.
  6. Redirects, Pipes, and Loops:
    • Redirect the output of ls -l to a file named directory_list.txt.
    • Use a pipe to sort directory_list.txt alphabetically and display the results with less.
  7. Scripting:
    • Edit to include a bash script that prints “Hello, Data Science!” to the terminal.
    • Make executable with chmod and run it.

Submission: - Compress the ds_activities directory with all created files into a .zip file and submit it through Gradescope in the Lecture Quiz 06. - Name the zip file

Note: Remember to replace FirstName and LastName with your actual last and first names.